© Foto: Marcel-Th. Jacobs, Berlin
A photographic documentation from Marcel-Th. and Klaus Jacobs
Beside Synagogues and Mikvahs Jewish Cemeteries are central facilities of Jewish communities. Therefore they are an essential element of the daily Jewish culture. They reflect the great professional variety of the former Jewish population and partially their social status. The biography of the deceased stands behind each gravestone.
Marcel-Th. and Klaus Jacobs created a photographic documentation of meanwhile 64 Jewish cemeteries in Germany, Poland, the Ukraine an the Czech Republic. The Jewish Museum Creglingen presents 40 selected photographies of this collection. Short characteristics explain the local conditions and the backgrounds of the visited cemeteries.
The exhibiton will be opened on Thursday September, 17th at 19:30 in the Jewish Museum Creglingen.
Presentation period: September, 17th to November, 2nd 2020
Opening: Sundays, 14:00 – 17:00
(Other times for groups on demand)
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