von jmcadmin | Okt. 29, 2020 | en
Due to the public restrictions caused by the COVID-19 situation the Jewish Museum Creglingen will start it´s annual winterbreak already on November, 2nd 2020. With the End of the special exhibition „House of Ertenity. Jewish Cemeteries in the central-European...
von jmcadmin | Aug. 16, 2020 | en
A photographic documentation from Marcel-Th. and Klaus Jacobs Beside Synagogues and Mikvahs Jewish Cemeteries are central facilities of Jewish communities. Therefore they are an essential element of the daily Jewish culture. They reflect the great professional variety...
von jmcadmin | Juli 26, 2020 | en
Saturday, July 25th, 18:00 and Saturday, August, 1st, 18:00 hrs The Jewish Cemetery Creglingen ist situated on a little hill southeast of Creglingen. The visitors will learn about the history of the cemetery, the meaning of names on the gravestones and about Jewish...
von jmcadmin | Apr. 23, 2019 | en
On Friday, May 10th, 19:30 hrs the Jewish Museum Creglingen will show – after a brief introduction – the NAZI propaganda movie „THE ETERNAL JEW“ from the year 1940. After the presentation there will be the opportunity for a reflection and...
von jmcadmin | Apr. 23, 2019 | en
The Foundatiosn Jewish Museum Creglingen will open the 2019 museum season on Sunday February, 10th at 18:00 hrs with a lecture of the Chairwoman of the Israelite Community of Baden-Württemberg (IRGW) Professor Barbara Traub M.A. dealing with the subject...
von jmcadmin | Dez. 1, 2018 | en
The Exhibition „The Synagoge“ and the curtain from the Creglingen Thora cabinet can be seen for the last time during the Creglingen Christmasmarket on Saturday, December 01st and Sunday, December 2nd from 14:00 to 17:00. before the annual winterbreak...
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