von jmcadmin | Okt. 28, 2018 | en
The Jewish Museum Creglingen presents Olaf Ruhl from Berlin with his program „Sing Yiddish“ on Thursday, November 15th, 19:30 hrs as final event in the year 2018. The protestant theologian Olaf Ruhl, whose greatgrandmother was Jewish, wants to preserve...
von jmcadmin | Sep. 30, 2018 | en
The exhibiton will be opened on Sunday October 7th at 14:00 in the Jewish Museum Creglingen. Presentation period: October 07th to November 16 th 2018 Opening: Sundays, 14:00 – 17:00 (Other times for groups on demand)
von jmcadmin | Juni 3, 2018 | en
The exhibiton will be opened on Monday June 11th at 19:30 in the Jewish Museum Creglingen. Presentation period: June 11th to July 20th 2018 Opening: Sundays, 14:00 – 17:00 (Other times for groups on demand)
von jmcadmin | Mai 3, 2018 | en
From May 4th to May 11th 2018 the „Jewish Culture-Days in the Tauber Valley 2018“ will find place in Igersheim, Bad Mergentheim und Creglingen. In the year 2010 the education partnership „Processing of the Holocaust“ was founded by thr Jewish couple Igersheim from the...
von jmcadmin | Mai 3, 2018 | de, en
Vom 04. bis zum 11. Mai 2018 finden die „Jüdischen Kulrtage im Taubertal 2018“ in Igersheim, Bad Mergentheim und Creglingen statt. Die seit 2010 bestehende Bildungspartnerschaft „Aufarbeitung des Holocaust“ zwischen dem jüdischen Ehepaar Igersheim aus den...
von jmcadmin | Okt. 5, 2017 | en
October, 08th – November, 12th 2017 Opening: Friday october, 6th, 19:30 hrs The exhibition shows the relation between carnival and Jewish feasts. The Purim feast and the related story of Esther will be a central theme in this exhibiton. An exhibition created by...
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